Alpha Cat started as a band, and morphed into a collective. In the mid-90's, Elizabeth McCullough- a photographer who had begun writing songs on her own- ran into some old acquaintances.
One was James Mastro, whom she had photographed while he was in the Bongos. She asked if he would listen to some of her 4-track demos. He happened to be in the market for pix for his new projectThe Health & Happiness Show, which at that time included former Television guitarist Richard Lloyd. McCullough and Lloyd got to talking, and Lloyd agreed to play on the first studio demo of McCullough's songs. The Mastro connection also led to a friendship with Television bassist Fred Smith, who agreed to produce a new demo, and ended up co-producing two Alpha Cat CDs.

The Waitresses, Chris Butler, who is known for such 80's dark-happy hits as I Know What Boys Like and Christmas Wrapping, wrote a review of an early London show for Britain's “Get Rhythm” magazine.

In it he described Alpha Cat’s work as “funny, intense and surprisingly beautiful, 'how the fuck do you steer this thing called life', songs." How much truer now than then.
Keep up with Alpha Cat by checking out the links below:
Muzique Magazine's Alpha Cat Interview
Guitar Gal Magazine Alpha Cat Review